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Lima EnerZone


Lima Enerzone was incorporated as Lima Utilities Corporation on June 5, 1997 to serve and provide locators within the Lima Technology Center (LTC) with a reliable and stable power supply. 

Lima Enerzone serves a total of 100 captive industrial locators, 18 captive commercial locators, 847 captive residential customers, eight streetlights, and 26 industrial locators under RES. 

As of year-end 2022, Lima Enerzone’s total systems loss was 2.59%. This included a feeder loss of 0.69%, which is below the government-mandated feeder loss cap for 2022 of 5.50%. 

As of February 28, 2023, AboitizPower directly owned a 100% equity interest in Lima Enerzone. 

Customer Services
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