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Balamban EnerZone
Balamban Enerzone was incorporated in February 2007 when CIPDI, a Joint Venture between AboitizLand and THC, spun off the power distribution system of the West Cebu Industrial Park – Special Economic Zone (WCIP-SEZ). WCIP-SEZ is a special economic zone for light and heavy industries located in Balamban, Cebu.
Balamban Enerzone serves a total of ten captive industrial customers, 11 captive commercial customers, and six contestable industrial customers.
Balamban Enerzone’s total systems loss as of year-end 2022 was 0.4133%. This included a feeder loss of 0.1622%, which is below the government-mandated feeder loss cap for 2022 of 5.50%.
As of February 28, 2023, AboitizPower directly owned a 100% equity interest in Balamban Enerzone.
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